Your Three-Step Action Plan for Nutrition: Step 1

1. Prepare for success Anyone can tell you to prep your food. Instead, prep your life for this upcoming week. What will do on Monday? Write out a short template for that day. Mine looks like this: 530 open my eyeballs. 600 Breakfast and let dogs out. 630 read/write for thirty minutes 800- 1030 work on my […]

What if you don’t change?

What if You Don’t Change? Here is what happens if you don’t gain control of how you’re eating. You will end up where all of us ended up when we thought working out was enough, and we would one day get to the food thing. We got tired of feeling stuck on a treadmill with […]

“But I really just enjoy the community and exercising.”

“But I really just enjoy the community and working out.” So do I, and gaining control of your food habits amplifies those benefits you’re getting a taste of already. If you think a drop of this CrossFit thing feels good, wait until you take a big gulp from the big picture (hint: it’s your diet). […]

Your Foundation Is Cracked and Your Cake Tastes Like Sh*t.

Imagine a cake. You make the base layer of the cake with milk, eggs, and other good stuff, then add delicious icing and strawberries on top. What a nice thought. Now, rebuild the cake. Keep the delicious icing, and strawberries, but make the base layer out of mud from your backyard. Still want to eat […]

CrossFit. Exercising for Health vs. Punishment part II

Clarity. Awareness. Consistency. Intentionality. In our last blog post, we talked about clarity and awareness. If you haven’t read that one yet, check it out here. Today, we’ll discuss where to go when we’ve gained the perspective that comes with our self-awareness and clarity. Now, we can make decisions that align with our perspective. So, […]

CrossFit. Exercising for Health vs. Punishment.

“I really shouldn’t eat this ice cream. But I had a long day and I deserve it. I’ve been crushing this keto diet since Jan 1, it won’t hurt.” “I know I should get the salad, but everyone else is having a burger and a beer. I’ll cheat on my diet today, but I can […]

How to Recover From a Muscle Strain

Muscle strains are pretty common injuries in active populations. The risk of this injury actually increases as we age and become more sedentary. In this text you will learn: What is a muscle strain? How do you identify a muscle strain? How do you treat minor muscle strains? How to return someone back from a […]

Three Ways to Know Your Trainer Isn’t Sketch

So, you’ve had enough of the direction your health and fitness have been going, or maybe you realized you’re not getting anywhere with the treadmill you’ve been running on. Without clearly defining your action-steps and accountability, seeing progress in the gym is pretty much left up to luck. And I don’t know about you, but […]

Why do keto, intermittent fasting and tracking macros work?

So. You have a friend. That friend lost weight doing keto and swears it’s the answer to your problems. All you have to do is eat exactly 1 stick of butter before every meal, and your body will FINALLY learn how to burn fat. Your other friend only eats for 2 hours every 3 days […]

How A Fitness Shortcut Can Hurt Your Health

January 1 is International Shortcut Day! Jan 1st is all about New Year’s Resolutions. And let’s be honest, most of us have goals that revolve around working out and putting down the treats. Also, on January 1st, you’ll be thrilled to discover that you could achieve them all EASILY AND FAST in the next 30 days […]


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